Tuesday, February 17, 2009

water is my enemy


things have been going on alright, i became the girl's best friend (again) but still waiting for that moment. not just any moment gentlemen, but THE moment, where you look into her eyes and feel that everything's alright and where time stops. i am just the kind of guy that's straight-edge, with sappy and romantic lines and expectations. don't blame me, that's just who i am.

School, on the other hand has been kicking my ass, there's a swimming carnival tommorrow, which would be supercalifragilisticexpialidociously cool, but there's a slight teeny-weeny itty bit of trouble, i cant swim.
Let me say it to you one more time:




hahahahaha what a laugh right? I cant even float! there's only one style of swimming that i can do, Rock style. ahahahahahaha. well then that's it for today, See ya later

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